You will receive a separate email, with a link, for each downloadable file purchased. These are sent within a few minutes of completing the purchase in PayPal. Depending on your email provider, it can take up to an hour for the emails to appear in your inbox.
If you do not see the emails, please check your spam folder. The following links provide instructions for checking the spam folder and keeping emails out of your spam folder in the future:
On iOS (iPhone and iPad) devices, PDF files (like the ebooks) are typically loaded by a PDF "reader" that is built into Safari and Chrome. This reader is different from the official Adobe Acrobat Reader provided by Adobe Software, the company that invented the PDF standard. Usually, the reader built into browsers like Safari and Chrome works fine. Occasionally, for larger and more complex PDF files, the built-in readers fail to display the PDF document properly. That is what appears to be happening with some of our customers looking at a couple of our ebooks.
The remedy is to use Adobe's official Acrobat Reader, which is available for free from the Apple App Store. Although it varies between versions of iOS, recent versions should allow you to "share" your ebook from the browser to the Adobe Reader App. If you are given the opportunity to make this the default app for PDF files, we encourage you to do so.
Easy to follow instructions for finding dowloaded files on Windows, Apple, and Android systems is available here.
Make sure you have the latest version of Adobe PDF reader. You can download it FREE for almost any computer, tablet, or smart phone here:
Our ebooks are formatted as widely supported Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Software programs that display PDF files are called PDF readers.
If you do not have a PDF reader, you can download one for almost any computer, tablet, or smart phone here:
Ebooks must be downloaded within 48 hours after placing your order. Also, you are limited to three download attempts per ebook. These limits are in place to prevent unauthorized downloads.
Once downloaded, the ebooks are yours to keep.
If you receive a message telling you that your link is not longer valid, please forward your PayPal receipt email (it will have a subject line "Your payment to Izm Studio") to and we will email you your ebooks. Please allow 48 hours for us to respond.
If you want to access your ebooks on your Apple iPad or iPhone, follow this link to Apple's support site:
Use iBooks with PDF documents on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch