♦ eBook Gift Certificates ♦

Before you buy...

Thank you for your interest in fusing ebook gift certificates! Here are a couple of things you should know:

Multi-book discounts are applied when you buy the gift certificate (gift code). For example, a two-book gift code has a value of $48 but costs only $43.20. When redeeming the gift code for two books, the cart total will be $48 (the value of the gift code). The gift recipient receives the two books and pays nothing.

Your gift (promo) code will be displayed on the "Thank You" page after the PayPal transaction is complete. You will also receive an email with both the code and a link to a printable and savable gift certificate. If you don't see the email within 30 minutes of completing the purchase, please check your spam folder. The subject line will be "FusedGlassBooks.com Gift Code Purchase".

Please contact help@fusedglassbooks.com

I have read and understand the details.